Natives of this sign are able to go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes their way. While Aries may not be as interested in conversation or intellectual challenges as Gemini, this sign’s brave and adventurous nature means they always have great stories to tell. Aquarius and Gemini bring out the best in each other.
She may even joke that she has given up on romance and just wants to maintain her friendship. For a Libra man and Libra woman, problems can be solved through compromise. Whether this pair seeks friendship or more, a Libra man and Libra woman can be well suited to each other. When a Libra man and Libra woman form a connection, they will bring compassion, harmony and beauty into each other’s lives.
So, I won’t make this any longer, I showed him several times before that I don’t really share the same feelings; that I am not really interested (which I actually wasn’t). He didn’t take this as a no, but eventually, he gave up and started to date another. Gemini man is quite irresistible to Libra woman when his charm flows over in convincing her to leave her stable life to fly with him into a future of uncertainty.
You’ll laugh and feel loved simultaneously, which makes for a happy relationship and great shared memories. A Libra woman wants her partner to seek balance, just swingingheaven like Libra herself does, and the Gemini guy will also benefit from this. But it may take some time for Libra to get used to Gemini’s different way of living.
How To Catch a Gemini Man’s Eyes?
But be aware that his tendency to pursue multiple interests at once means he might not be fully invested in a relationship initially, and he can sometimes seem distracted. The Libra sign is all about balance, which also extends to her relationships. He’ll be fascinated by Libra and the things she loves to do.
# 24: Both Gemini and Libra Love Talking.
By far, the Libra woman is the most open, polite and charismatic woman in the zodiac wheel. You will never find someone calmer and more easy-going. I am a scorpio and she is a gemini it is a constant battle.i cant seem to understand a gemini. I’m also a Gemini that is dating a Virgo and he’s an amazing partner and he’s very loyal, caring and very funny thank goodness his sigh isn’t that low on the list. A Gemini man’s relationship with Aquarius, Aries, and Leo will be more turbulent, but Gemini men actually enjoy these kinds of relationships and they work for them in the long term. Both of these signs do better when they are with someone who can provide balance in these areas, and they will not be able to provide balance for each other.
Gemini & Libra’s Communication
He likes to make me feel like it is “ALL ABOUT ME”. I am kind of paranoid, so I tend to think he is running game on me but this is the first time that I am really even close to be living a man’s words after only a month of knowing him. I just can’t believe how we click and get each other. He says the same things that I think and he says, that I do the same thing.
JusticeIf you’ve been wondering whether the universe can be fair, now is the time to start believing that you’ll get the outcome that you deserve. Libra men can be manipulative in wooing the Gemini woman they are chasing. However, the witty and analytical can smell the deceit if the Libra man tries to double cross her and play with her trust. Libra guys can become insecure as they do have trust issues with their partners.
Candles, shaving kits, and food are all great ideas for a Gemini man’s birthday gifts because he can use them quickly before losing interest in them. Good gifts for a Gemini man are anything he can change or use up because his interests change frequently and he doesn’t get emotionally attached to possessions. He will keep you on your toes and always wondering what comes next, so if you crave stability and reliability in a partner, a Gemini guy probably isn’t right for you. He likes big, romantic gestures, but with an eccentric and unique twist.
# 20: Gemini Men Are Intellectual.
The only thing that makes him come back to me is sex.. We both know that he loves this thing about me and so scared I’d do it with sm1 else.. But when I feel that sm1 is insecure I just start to feel the same.. Yet if both a Libra man and Libra woman understand each other’s boundaries, this can be a happy and inspiring friendship. Both a Libra woman and Libra man may enjoy each other’s company as friends so much, they forget about dating.
For some men age really does matter when it comes to dating a woman. She is a smart person too, and because of this both of them have no problem in communicating to each other. Rather than having a light discussion when both of them are together, they prefer to have a deep conversation and get to know each other better because of having such conversation. It is good to know that you have the ability to control yourself not to feel lonely because you realize that you will need the time alone for yourself. Aside from trying to text you every single day, he will also try to find a way to spend his time with you. He wants to get to know you better, and he also wants you to get to know him better.
Gemini with 2 diferent personality and Libran sign is scales. So i am 22 years old and dated my first Gemini when i was in 7th grade… Ive always been mature for my age though and this was the first love of my life! He we went on a bit of a love and hurt war for a few months until i realized he found someone to love him better than i could. We were ahead of our time with an undying unconditional genuine love for eachother. Some Libras can be taken a little too seriously, and this may cause them to miss out on those happy, lighthearted moments that life can offer sometimes.